Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Vibration of two degree systems (Aircraft wing) Essay

Vibration of two degree systems (Aircraft wing) - Essay Example Above such a critical speed, an accidental deformation of the fin/wing will lead to a large angle of twist (torsion). This critical speed is called the divergence speed, and the fin/wing is said to be torsionally divergent. Rocket fins should be designed so the divergence speed is never exceeded at any altitude during the flight. FLUTTER VELOCITY: Flutter is a dynamic instability of an elastic body (wing or fin) in an airstream and like divergence the only forces necessary to produce flutter are those due to the deflection of an elastic structure from its initially un-deformed state. The flutter velocity or critical speed UF and frequency F are defined respectively as the lowest airspeed and corresponding circular frequency at which an elastic body flying at a given atmospheric pressure and temperature will exhibit sustained harmonic oscillation. When there is no flow and the rocket's fin is disturbed, say, by a poke with a rod, oscillation or vibration occurs, which is damped (reduction of amplitude caused by structural resistance) gradually over successive vibration cycles. When the speed of flow is gradually increased, the rate of damping of the oscillation of the disturbed fin increases at first. With further increase in rocket velocity, however, a point is reached at which the damping rapidly decreases.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Us History LO 23-27 Essay Example for Free

Us History LO 23-27 Essay The Secession of the South was not, initially, a matter of bloodshed. In the beginning the movement toward secession was based solely on legal and political grounds. In the North, te newly elected President Abraham Lincoln vowed to preserve the Union but also vowed not to be the first to spill blood over the crisis of secession. In the South, however, the feeling of euphoria mixed with antagonism toward the North which swept over the Southern states resulted in a crisis-within-a-crisis when the issue of Fort Sumter became the unforeseen trigger of the Civil War. By 1861, in the newly seceded states, the only remaining property in Union hands were two obscure forts in the Florida Keys along with Fort Pickens on an island at the mouth of Pensacola Bay and Fort Sumter on an island in Charleston harbor. Fort Sumter had become a commanding symbol of national sovereignty in the very cradle of secession, a symbol that the Confederate government could not tolerate if it wished its own sovereignty to be recognized by the world. Would Lincoln use force to defend Sumter? 1 In fact, the issue of Fort Sumter was resolved by violence with the Fort surrendering after a short period of bombardment from Confederate forces. This early victory for the South would prove to be pyric in nature as it touched off a larger conflict which they could not hope to win. Only the Southern resourcefulness and conviction in their right to secession prolonged the war as long as it could be prolonged, as the North commanded a superior economy, superior manpower, and superior armaments from the wars beginning to its end. Question 2: Explain the various internal political conflicts in the North, focusing on Copperheadism and the 1864 campaign. By the time of the 1864 elections, there was a strong sentiment brewing in the North for finding an end to the Civil War, whether or not this end would bring about the immediate reintegration of the Southern States into the Union. The Democratic party in tye North chose to run McClellan as a probable peace candidate against Lincoln. This , in turn, brought upon accusations that McClellan was a Souther Sympathizer or a copperhead as they were often called in the A Civil War era. Copperheadism, in fact, became a core issue of the Persidential election; as Union military victories portended a continuation of Lincolns war-policy, Far to the north George B. McClellan digested the news of Atlanta as he wrote his letter accepting the Democratic nomination. If he endorsed the platform, or said nothing about it, he would by implication commit himself to an armistice and negotiations. McClellan felt great pressure from the partys peace faction to do just that 2 Basically, an armistice was desired by certain peace factions in the North who were painted as copperheads by their detractors who supported the continuation of the war. True copperheads were those in the North or border states who were Southern sympathizers. The 1864 election turned out to be a referendum on the war itself, obviously, with McClellan having been successfully painted by his opponents as a peace candidate and perhaps even a copperhead. The Democrats Janus face toward the war presented Republicans with an easy target. 3 Question 3: Explain why the North won the Civil War and why the South lost. The South suffered a military defeat which wa exacerbated by its inabiolity to gain International, specifically European, recognition and thus the ability to break the Union naval blockade and open up to international commerce. The military defeat of the South was total. The Civil War is often called â€Å"the first modern war. † It saw the introduction of rapid-fire weapons. Trenches were first used extensively in battle. The railway and the telegraph were first used in a large-scale war. The campaigns of Lee, Jackson, Grant, Sherman, and Joseph E. Johnston were studied aboard for new concepts of strategy and tactics. At sea, ironclad ships and rifled cannon had made the wooden navies of the world obsolete. Few observers at the start of the American Civil War imagined the ultimate de-evolution of the war from its psuedo-Napoleonic beginnings with armies in formation maneuvering along classical military lines to achieve a tactical advantage. Because so many of the generals on both sides of the war derived their knowledge of battlefield tactics from the same sources, particularly Jomini, and also because many of the generals on either side received training at West Point, the wars beginning gave but a small hint of the total war which would be achieved by the close of 1865. In fact, the realization that much more than battlefield victory would be necessary to put down the Southern rebellion was slow to be reached by Lincolns generals. It was Sherman, perhaps, who first understood the underlying economic nature of the war, realizing that the Union with its superior material and financial power would ultimately prevail. However, his conception of how to convince the South of this truth was founded on a concept of total war, a strategic approach first used on the famous march to the sea. During this late period of the war, Sherman envisioned a dazzling campaign to march his army across Georgia to the sea, tearing the Confederacy asunder, and destroying everything in his path. (Ades, 226) The ensuing destruction wrought havoc and despair on the civilian population of the South and undermined the Souths economic and psychological ability to survive. The idea of war as a psychological tool of destruction was both new and devastatingly powerful. It turned out that the Georgia countryside had an abundance of supplies for Shermans 62,000 strong army. Nearly all the fighting took place on Southern soil, so that section suffered heavy war damage. Some regions, such as central Georgia and the Shenandoah Valley, were deliberately ravaged. Freeing of the slaves added a property loss estimated at $2 billion. The Federal government spent more than $6 billion on the war; the Confederacy, perhaps $ 2 billion. Both sides sustained heavy casualties. There were far more deaths caused by disease than by combat. Estimated total deaths are 360,000 for the union army and 260,000 for the Confederate army.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Essay --

e Rush Professor Amita Topics in History: Buddhism December 16, 2013 â€Å"Finding Oneself in a Suffering Based World† ACADEMIC INTEGRITY PLEDGE On my honor, I have neither received nor given any unauthorized assistance on this examination (assignment). ___________Paije Rush_______ Print Name ____________Paije Rush______ Signature (Print Name again on e-submission) __________December 17, 2013________ Date All of our problems and suffering originate from confused negatives states of mind and all happiness and good fortunes derive from peaceful and positive states of mind. In this course, we have learned about the Buddha, the Dharma, The Four Noble Truths, the cause and effect of suffering in one’s life. In this course I have learned to creatively and critically analyze literary materials learned through the Buddha’s insights from over 2,000 years ago. I was taught methods for gradually overcoming negative minds such as anger to develop minds with love compassion and wisdom, attributes that are obtained through experience. Topics in History of Buddhism has taught me that Buddhism is a religion of its own that you learn through practice and experience rather than a belief. This idea is a little complicated for some to grasp. In our culture, â€Å"religion† is a better system and â€Å"faith† is one’s way of accepting those beliefs. The Buddha has taught us to accept no teachings without testing them. Instead of believing in teachings one should practice the teachings to realize the truth of them. In Buddhism there are three general levels of the communication. There is the enlightened level, the intellectual level, and the common level. Within these three levels enforces the learning and practicing of the Buddha’s teachings. With le... ...ous life changes. They went from having extremely poor behavior to influencing others to be involved in such an inspirational journey. Overall, from this course I have obtained the notion that overcoming suffering truly depends on the person and their dedication to wanting to free themselves of suffering, pain, violence, and fear to live a liberated life. As long as we are enveloped in ignorance, one’s thought of self, the world, and anything else is just a theory until proven to be true. One must grasp the idea that extinction of desire, Nirvana, and following the steps on the path to liberation is the ultimate goal of a suffer-free life. Once one can successfully cultivate one’s mind so that they are free from the delusion of â€Å"I† and the craving for the wrong type of pleasures, one can then see oneself for themselves and the have a clear understanding of reality.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Plato, Aristotle, and Moses

â€Å"Households, cities, countries, and nations have enjoyed great happiness when a single individual has taken heed of the Good and Beautiful. Such people not only liberate themselves; they fill those they meet with a free mind. † Philo of Alexandria Athens, via Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, and Jerusalem through the Hebrew Scriptures, refer to two general and fundamental ways of life: the life of free inquiry on the one hand, the life of obedience to God’s law on the other.As discussed in class, the fact that most do not read the Hebrew Scriptures as a politically philosophical text, they are overlooking some fundamental political principles that are similar and complimentary to the Greeks. The book of Genesis to the end of the book of Kings is not only revelation in the form of a narrative, but can be seen as a work of reason, and political philosophy. Plato and Aristotle are certainly accepted as political philosophers, while the Patriarchs are not (widely) regard ed as such. Because of this, I shall use the Pentateuch as my basis to discuss my assertion.Given the constraints of this paper, a short reflection on our assigned readings for class, and my limited knowledge of both the Hebrew Scriptures and Greek philosophy, I do not pretend for this to be sophisticated, beyond a thoughtful meditation. With a few exceptions, I shall utilize Moses’ life as the pathway through this illustration. Genesis seems a fitting place to begin. The expulsion from the Garden of Eden was the first â€Å"exodus. † In Genesis, humanity as a whole, and in Exodus, the Hebrews through their transformation into the Israelites, began a trek.They each see a perilous journey ahead as they begin fumbling toward a dimly seen goal. God, Moses, and Socrates all want what is best for His/his people. The people would rather not have it, â€Å"And they said to each other, ‘We should choose a leader and go back to Egypt. ’† A seemingly universa l and consistent source of political strife, what the people want vs. what the ruler thinks is good for them. Plato’s presentation of Socrates is generally in the form of the â€Å"dialectic†. The dialectic between God and his creation is expressed frequently throughout the Scriptures.It seems much more often towards the beginning, waning through the prophets (later, waxing until the final culmination of the â€Å"dialectic† with the condemnation and crucifixion of God the Son). Adam and Eve’s questioning by the Father: â€Å"Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man, â€Å"Where are you? † He answered, â€Å"I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid. And he said, â€Å"Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from? † The man said, â€Å"The woman you put here with me—she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it. † Then the Lord God said to the woman, â€Å"What is this you have done? † The woman said, â€Å"The serpent deceived me, and I ate. † Cain’s interrogation for the murder of his brother (Am I my brother’s keeper? ), Abraham’s bargaining with God over the destruction of Sodom â€Å"Will you sweep away the innocent with the guilty? Suppose there were 50 innocent people in the city? , and Moses’ unenthusiastic response to God’s command to be the standard bearer to â€Å"let His people go! † At this point in Moses’ life, he has developed a tripartite identity: a Hebrew origin, an Egyptian upbringing, and after his â€Å"exile† in Midian, he has a married and fairly sedentary lifestyle. Moses does not want to be the leader of the Hebrews out of Egypt. Like the â€Å"philos ophers† in the Republic, they do not wish to rule the multitude, they must be compelled to rule. God compels Moses, through the burning bush, to â€Å"carry his cross†. When the Lord saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush, â€Å"Moses! Moses! †Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ But Moses said to God, â€Å"Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt? † And God said, â€Å"I will be with you. And this will be the sign to you that it is I who have sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you will worship God on this mountain. Moses said to God, â€Å"Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name? Then what shall I tell them? † God said to Moses, â€Å"I am who I am. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I am has sent me to you. ’† The transformation that Moses underg oes, having seen â€Å"the face of God† at the burning bush is similar to Plato’s â€Å"Analogy of the Cave†. He emerges with a mission, a calling that is to consume his life; leading the people to truth and justice. Bringing them forth from the darkness of Egypt into the light of Canaan. Like the man who returns to the cave having seen the light, Moses’ trustablitiy is doubted many times.Moses was rejected by â€Å"his people† many times. First, by the Hebrews as he attempted to help them by killing the overseer, sending him into exile. Secondly, by the Egyptians for siding with the slaves. Thirdly, by the Israelites during his attempt to lead them safely to the Promised Land. Like the Israelites, the Athenians did not understand, or refused to accept, the teachings of Socrates, which were intended to renew private and public morality; leading to is eventual condemnation and a nightcap of hemlock. Following the death of Socrates, many of his stude nts fled.Plato returned in an attempt to continue transformation of society and to redeem his â€Å"time†, he also failed. Moses hesitantly heads back to Egypt, to engage in his fruitless negotiation with the Pharaoh; fruitless in part due to the Lord’s â€Å"hardening of his heart†. The ultimate plague set upon the Egyptians is the Angel of Death’s reaping of the first born of each household who does not possess the mark above their doorway. This was not a simple sweeping away of children, intent on causing anguish amongst the citizens, in an attempt to incite them against the Pharaoh (that seems to have been just a bonus).It was a direct assault on the socio-political fabric of society: primogeniture upended, filial duties confused, and the vanishing of an entire generation. The Athenians feared something somewhat less immediately disruptive, the corruption of a few well-placed â€Å"youths†. Socrates’ actions were, they feared, going to d estabilize Athenian society, similar to a malignancy, growing and spreading, infecting the very marrow. Moses, Plato, and Aristotle believed that there was no distinction between morality and politics.If one cannot restore order to his soul, Plato reasoned, than there can be no order in society. Just as the God of the Pentateuch understood when he gave Moses the Ten Commandments. The Decalogue presents a mix of the ordering of one’s soul (mostly the first 4) and the ordering of society in the last 6. The Greeks knew that the liberation of the soul ought to be the chief object of individuals on earth. Cleansing the soul frees humanity from the false loves and degrading appetites so that man(and women)may conform to the nomos, or the law. The nomos, not human beings, is the measure of all things.Moses was not the liberator, God was. Socrates was not the liberator- truth was. Moses and Socrates were attempting to lead the people towards liberation because they were compelled to because of the Truth. Moses and Socrates were not politicians, generals, or just â€Å"leaders†. The possessed a vision, they sought righteousness (in different ways), and pursuers of truth and virtue. Thrasymachos’ â€Å"legal positivistic† view, that objective justice does not exist for rulers, they lay down the laws with the exclusive concern for their own advantage.Plato’s refutation of this view is followed by Aristotle’s argument that even â€Å"great-souled† men are not immune to from the destructive passions associated with the spirited parts of the soul. We see in the account of David, â€Å"A man after God’s own heart†, that even he is not free from temptation or pride. Moses is not allowed to enter the Promised Land, many surmise it is because out of anger and impatience, struck a rock to produce water, instead he should have followed God’s instructions and simply spoke to the rock. While others suggest that i t is his, again out of anger, breaking of the Ten Commandments.Not acting virtuously according to Aristotle’s golden mean, Moses freely chooses to act rashly out of anger, and cowardly, by refusing to allow his rebuke of the Israelites to be sufficient. Moses shows himself, in these incidents, to be lacking in virtue. Because of his â€Å"situational virtuousness† he is punished by God. In the Book of Samuel, the people of Israel clamor for a king to rule over them. Samuel approaches God with this request. The Lord, far from being a â€Å"democrat†, eventually relents: â€Å"Listen to all that the people are saying to you; it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their king.As they have done from the day I brought them up out of Egypt until this day, forsaking me and serving other gods, so they are doing to you. Now listen to them; but warn them solemnly and let them know what the king who will reign over them will claim as his rights. â⠂¬  Samuel told all the words of the Lord to the people who were asking him for a king. He said, â€Å"This is what the king who will reign over you will claim as his rights: He will take your sons and make them serve with his chariots and horses, and they will run in front of his chariots.Some he will assign to be commanders of thousands and commanders of fifties, and others to plow his ground and reap his harvest, and still others to make weapons of war and equipment for his chariots. He will take your daughters to be perfumers and cooks and bakers. He will take the best of your fields and vineyards and olive groves and give them to his attendants. He will take a tenth of your grain and of your vintage and give it to his officials and attendants. Your male and female servants and the best of your cattle and donkeys he will take for his own use.He will take a tenth of your flocks, and you yourselves will become his slaves. When that day comes, you will cry out for relief from the king you have chosen, but the Lord will not answer you in that day. † Socrates, via Plato, describes the decay of the healthy city. Its decay is brought about by the emancipation of the desire for unnecessary things, i. e. , for things that are not necessary for the well being or health of the body. Thus the luxurious or feverish city emerges, the city characterized by the striving for the unlimited acquisition of wealth.Once can expect that in such a city the individuals will no longer exercise the single art for which each is meant by nature but any art or combination of the arts which is most lucrative, or that there will no longer be a strict correspondence between service and reward: hence there will be dissatisfaction and conflicts and therefore need for government which will restore justice. There will certainly be need for additional territory and hence there will be war, war of aggression. Those who clamored to Samuel for a â€Å"king† other than the King who brought them out of slavery should have read the Greeks.The story of Solomon’s rise is one of wisdom, peace, fulfillment and beauty. The decent of Solomon is one of war, oppression overindulgence, idolatry, and misery. Solomon traded away a part of Israel's land, while annexing other’s cities (requiring him amass chariots and horsemen), enslaved the Canaanites, accumulated large amounts of gold and sliver, had relations with Egypt, married foreign women although Moses forbade it because â€Å"they would turn their hearts away from the Lord† and eventually began to worship their idols.All of this eventually ending in the destruction of Israel, leaving Judah for the â€Å"sake of David and Jerusalem†. Because of the blessing Solomon began with, and the glory he reached at his pinnacle, his fall was a much more tragic one. The Ten Commandments, and Justice define the problem associated with living in society. Their statement, however does not solve it. God g ives the laws to create an ideal society, Socrates gives the vision of the ideal city.It has been painfully demonstrated, not just through the accounts of Moses, Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, but the entirety of human history, that this ideal is seemingly impossible to attain. The political philosophy expressed in the early Biblical narrative, through Revelation, the Greeks will come to understand (or at lease address) through Reason. The establishment of a government (either temporal or divine), the dangers of government, the relationship between the individual to the leader/state (and the leader’s responsibilities), forms of government, and the eventual decline of the state.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Muslim and Hindu Hatred: Gandhi’s and Muhammads Views

Question 2 For hundreds of years there was religious fanaticism in the Hindu and Muslim religions leading up to extreme enmity between both. In India Hindus were the majority while Muslims were the minority therefore Muslims feared that a rule by Hindus would destroy what was more precious to them. This anger towards each other created two separate political groups, the Indian National Congress whose leader was Mohandas Gandhi, and the Muslim League whose leader was Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Although they were from opposing sides they both agreed that cooperation between both religions was necessary for India’s independence.In the section The â€Å"Condition of India† from his pamphlet Indian Home Rule Gandhi expresses his feeling and beliefs towards Muslims, he felt that Hindus and Muslims were the same that both have the same blood running through their veins, and together could form one nation. On the other hand in his Speech to the Muslim League Muhammad makes it clear t hat although he wished for there to be cooperation among both religions he knew that Muslims had to separate from Hindus and become their own nation before things would end in their destruction. Both leaders had similar but also differing views in regards to the anger between Muslims and Hindus.Gandhi was an outstanding figure in India who advocated non-violence when India was seeking its independence from British rule. As India’s independence was approaching Gandhi was struggling to maintain the cooperation between Hindu’s and Muslims. He believed that there could be a fusion of Hindu, Muslim, and Christian in India. In 1908 he wrote a pamphlet known as Indian Home Rule that contains many of his ideas and principles that guided him throughout his career. In the section The condition of India he refers to the concerns of a reader regarding the conflicts between the Hindus and Muslims.In the section the reader is concerned that the introduction of Islam has unmade the n ation. Gandhi responds by stating that â€Å"India cannot cease to be one nation because people belonging to different nations live in it† (Gandhi 214). He believed that the different religions can all merge into one nation. Hindu’s must be dreaming if they believe that only Hindu’s should live in India. According the Gandhi all of the different religions in India must live in unity for their own interest. Another concern that the reader has is in regards to the inborn enmity between the Hindus and Muslims.Gandhi replies by stating that the inborn enmity was a phrase created by their mutual enemy, the British. He also reminds the reader that long before the British occupation Hindu’s and Muslims both recognized that their mutual fighting was a suicidal act and realized that neither was going to abandon its religion with violence, and therefore decided to live in peace. This at least only lasted until the British colonized. Gandhi was not a man of hatred, and although Muslims have different religious beliefs he believed that they both come from the same ancestors and the same blood runs through their veins (Gandhi 215).Muhammad Ali believed that the differences between Hindus and Muslims such as religion and law and culture were not mere superstitions. According to him two divergent nationalities can’t be expected to become one nation by means of the British parliamentary statute. If the unitary government of India failed to accomplish this task then the central federal government would fail as well. In his Speech to the Muslim League Muhammad Ali expresses his support for the establishment of separate homelands. He wanted the division of India into â€Å"autonomous national states† (Jinnah 217).He had little hope for the evolvement of a common nationality between both religions. This was because he believed that Hindus failed to understand the true nature of both religions, and that both were â€Å"distinct social ord ers†. According to Muhammad, â€Å"The Hindus and Muslims belong to two different religious philosophies, social customs, and literatures†, therefore the impression that India could become one nation had to end for it could lead to its destruction (Jinnah 217). Their destruction would also be in part to an increasing dissatisfaction since Muslims were the minority and Hindus the majority.Muslims feared that if both religions were to be brought together under a democratic system they would become ruled by Hindus. Rule by the majority would mean â€Å"the complete destruction of what is most precious in Islam† (Jinnah 217). This fear is the reason Muslims wanted to become their own nation to have their own territory, and their own state. This was exactly what Muhammad was advocating in his speech. India had been a British colony since the 1760’s that provided cotton, labor, and was also a market for British goods.There had always been afflicting poverty in I ndia however in the late 19th century there was growth of Indian intellectuals, education, nationalism, its economy, and communications. This growth lead to the formation of the Indian middles class as well as the growth of political organizations (Lecture). There was the Indian National Congress where its members proposed economic reforms and self-rule. Although the congress represented Muslims as well it was predominantly Hindu and because Muslims feared Hindu majority they began to withdraw from the Congress.This resulted in the Muslim League where self-rule and democratic reforms were advocated. The hatred between Hindus and Muslims was one of India’s biggest problems. Each side had religious fanaticism that if populations were to mix there was violence between both sides. This feud created the two separate parties where the Congress party was led by Gandhi and the Muslim League was led by Muhammad Ali Jinnah (Lecture). Muhammad Ali joined the National Congress in 1906 an d then the Muslim League in 1913.Because he was a member of both organizations he served as an intermediary between both, however he abandoned the Congress because he opposed Gandhi’s campaign of civil disobedience and because they refused to support equal voting rights for the Muslim minority. Spite of that Muhammad continued to work for cooperation between both religions for one cause, India’s independence. Although he worked hard to mitigate the disagreements between Hindus and Muslims the violence between both groups convinced him that it was impossible to fix such a feud, and Muslims would have no future in an independent India.Gandhi on the other hand was a Hindu and so therefore was part of the majority and was leader of the Congress. His main goal was to gain independence for India. But although he was Hindu he was a good person who had no hatred towards Muslims and truly believed in the possibility that both Hindus and Muslims could come together and merge int o one nation. Being that both of these leaders are from opposing sides, and although there might have similar beliefs they each had different views in regards to the violence and hatred between Muslims and Hindus. These differing views can be seen in both Gandhi’s pamphlet and Muhammad’s speech.At first both agreed with cooperation for the forward movement of independence, however both knew that it would be a difficult task. Gandhi’s pamphlet demonstrates that even with all the demonstrations of violence he never lost hope and always believed that both religions would someday come together as one. Muhammad’s speech on the other hand shows that unlike Gandhi he lost hope and realized it was impossible; Hindus and Muslims would never merge into one. Neither of them had hatred towards each other’s religion, both truly wanted for the cooperation and the end of the communal feuds but neither could break such a strong animosity.The enmity between Muslims and Hindus was so strong that neither Muhammad nor Gandhi was able to get both sides to cooperate and get along with one another. Their pamphlet and speech both demonstrate their views and reactions towards the failed attempt for harmony between both sides. Both demonstrate their differing views, Gandhi thought it was possible to reach a consensus and merge into one nation, while Muhammad seemed more realistic and realized it was a lost cause for the Hindus and Muslims.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

buy custom Nursing Paper Example on Transition

buy custom Nursing Paper Example on Transition Role Transition Theory in Nursing My Models of Transition in Nursing Bridges transition model also referred to as Transition shock model reflects how people feel in the moment when the change occurs. In my case it reflects my feelings as a new student nurse into the profession. The substantive new graduate nursing transition model gives grounds for a relatively narrow outlook of complete socialization of the profession Im joining. According to Cowen and Moorhead (2011), the model looks at motivating and inspiring the future groups in profession. It calls for coming together in creating a tactical plan that can redirect, address and repeatedly display the challenges. Many nurses might face anxiety when being officially introduced into their profession. It is this joint effort that has the prospective to produce a transformative change in the restraint. Undoubtedly, the first professional role of the graduate nurse is itself a distinctive stage in their specialized journey. It should also create a magnified image of the certainties all nurses face on an everyday basis. As such, progressing transition knowledge of the student nurse has the latent to affect the entire career by making noticeable the existing challenges.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Sasha gutierrezEnglish essay Essays - Music Industry, Sound

Sasha gutierrezEnglish essay Essays - Music Industry, Sound Sasha gutierrezEnglish essay For my 16th birthday, I went on a trip to Cancun, Mexico. It was One of the best vacation's I ever had. So many things to do that I don't even know where to begin. November 7th I landed at the Cancun international airport at twelve in the afternoon, one of the busiest airports I had seen besides John F Kennedy international airport in queens. When I arrived there were many sales associates persuading people to buy many different packages of activities such as dolphin riding, scuba diving, and snorkeling. There were sales associate's trying to sell cars, there was so much chaos I just wanted to leave. The hotel we had reserved had sent me and my family transportation to take us back to the hotel. the drivers were so welcoming, they greeted us and asked if needed anything before we left the airport. My family and I went in the white minivan the drivers had the music at a medium volume. The ride from the airport was quick but I could see a lot of the scenery of Cancun, many palm tree s and aqua blue water was the only thing that called my attention. We finally arrived to resort They offered mimosas and Pina colada upon our arrival, I wasn't able to drink the mimosas because the drinking age was eighteen, and I was just turning sixteen. it took them pretty long to get us situated since it was 22 of us and we needed 7 rooms. After an hour when we were all settled down and put our clothes away. The rooms were different to rooms I seen in a resort before, it had 2 floors on the first floor it had two queen size beds, and a bathroom with two closets and on the top floor there was a king size bed, walk-in closet and a bathroom with a tub and also a shower. We were all impressed on how big the room was. We all changed into our bathing suits to go down to the pool ,the beach was also couple steps away so I was going back and forth. The beach was so beautiful and calming, the water was so clear that you could actually see the pink of my nail polish on my toes. The cool white sand and the turquoise waters definitely made the beach one of my favorite areas to be around. The beached was filled with people dancing bachata and merengue, there was a dance contest going on but I was too shy to dance in front of everybody so I just watched. My cousins and aunts did join and they did a really good job. they actually came in second place. I loved the environment it was my first day and I already loved Mexico. After all the dancing and laughing we were all so hungry, we went to a restaurant inside moon palace, which is what the resort is called. "el manglar" it was Italian cuisine is where we decided to eat. Since my family was so big we also had a longer wait then everybody else. The wait was about 30 minutes. The food was so delicious I had Penne alla vodka. All the waiters were dressed in white suits and were very well educated, they spoke proper English which was very impressing since we were in Mexico. After we all finished eating many servers brought shots of tequila to our table even though I was still under age I took one without my mom knowing. We w ere the loudest group in the whole restaurant, my family stayed there so long that the waiter remembered each of our names. Three hours already passes and It was already late at night and I had to be up early the next morning because it was my grandma 70th birthday and my 16th birthday and we were going dolphin riding. At 7 am, I hurd my alarm clock ringing. I was so tired from the previous night that my eyes were glued together, as I was trying to wake up my twenty family members barge through the doors with a cupcake and singing happy birthday, throwing so many pictures as

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Letter Writing 101

Letter Writing 101 Letter Writing 101 Letter Writing 101 By Ali Hale People have been writing letters for centuries. Before the telephone and the Internet, sending a letter (by messenger, and later by post) was the only way to communicate with someone who was geographically distant. Even with all our modern technology, letters haven’t become obsolete. Most of us will write many letters during our business life: perhaps including a covering letter to accompany our resume, a letter to be sent to clients, or a thank you letter after an interview or other opportunity. In this article, I’ll take you through the common types of letters that you’re likely to need to write at some point. I’ll offer general and specific advice which should help you if you’re at a loss for words or unsure how to structure a letter. You might want to bookmark this page so that you can refer back to it when you need it! I’ll cover business letters first, then mention some tips for personal letters too. Business Letters The standard format of a business letter varies from country to country, and standards often aren’t set in stone. If you’re not sure how your letter should be laid out, check Daily Writing Tips’ guidelines on How to Format a US Business Letter and How to Format a UK Business Letter. A quick tip if you’re still struggling about layout: look through your correspondence, find a business letter (ideally one from the company that you’re writing to), and use their format as a model. Here are four more points to take into consideration: 1. You should use a simple, standard font such as Arial or Times New Roman for business letters, and a font size of 10-12 pt (depending on the font). Even if your letter is short, don’t use a large font size to increase the space it takes up on the page – this will look unprofessional. This goes especially for writers, who are often tempted to use fancy fonts and layout. 2. You should never handwrite a business letter. However, you may send a very brief handwritten note on a printed compliments slip, in lieu of a letter. 3. For all business letters, you should keep your audience in mind. Don’t use business jargon when you’re writing to customers, for instance. Keep your letters as short as possible – if you need more than a page, consider whether the information might be better delivered in a leaflet or brochure. 4. Always check your spelling and proof-read your letters; if possible, ask someone else in your company to go through them. It’s surprising how mistakes can slip past your eyes: errors can alter your meaning and may confuse or even offend the recipient. Job Applications When writing a letter as part of a job application, remember that it will give the employer their first impression of you. Always: Ensure that you have provided all the information requested. Mention any enclosures (usually your resume and perhaps an application form). Address the letter to â€Å"Mr Smith† or â€Å"Mrs Jones†, rather than using their first name. If you are unsure of the gender of the recipient, use their first name and surname (such as â€Å"Sam Jones†). Here’s an example of the start of an application letter: Dear Mr Smith: Application for the Junior Manager Role, ref: 123A I am writing to apply for the position of Junior Manager, as advertised on your website. Please find my resume enclosed. I believe that I would be an ideal fit for this role, as I meet all of the requirements on the job specification. In particular, my spoken communication skills are outstanding (as you can see from my resume, I captained the debating team at my college). Business Thank You Letters In a business context, thank you letters are often appropriate and expected. When you have attended an interview, it is considered polite to send a thank you note – and it could harm your chances of getting the job if you don’t do this. You might also send a thank you letter when someone has given you their time and advice. In general, you should: Make it very clear that you’re writing to thank the recipient. Mention a specific detail of how they helped you. Express your gratitude for the time or effort they spent. Avoid using the letter just as an excuse to promote yourself (though if you are following up an interview, it’s appropriate to highlight your suitability for the job). An example paragraph from a thank you letter is: Thank you for giving me your time on Friday 18th, when you kindly showed me around the factory. It was fascinating to see how the widgets are manufactured, and I now feel confident that I want to pursue a career in the widget manufacturing field. I’ve attached my resume and wonder if you’d be kind enough to keep it on file, in case any future positions arise that I might be suitable for? Letters of Complaint If you have received poor service or have been dissatisfied with a product, you can write to the company involved to make a complaint. To get the result you want, such as a refund, follow these tips: Explain clearly who you are in relation to the company (eg. â€Å"I am an XYZ customer†). Let them know exactly what you’re complaining about, without using emotional or abusive language. Give specific location, time and date if appropriate. Make it clear what you would like them to do in response. You might also want to include a warning, such as â€Å"If this is not resolved, I will be forced to take my business elsewhere.† Throughout your letter of complaint, your tone should be polite but assertive. Don’t make ridiculous threats or demand an unreasonable compensation – but also don’t be afraid to tell them about the inconvenience or financial loss that you’ve suffered. You can practice writing a letter of complaint here, or use the example below as a model: I recently ordered several party platters of food from your store in Littletown, including one platter of seafood. The food was delivered two hours late, and the seafood platter was missing. I had to spend $40 to purchase extra food at short notice for my party. This was very inconvenient, as I had to drive to the store when I had planned to be with my guests. I have never used your party platter service in the past, and regret to say that I very much doubt I will be doing so again unless you can assure me that this was an isolated incident. Although I was not charged for the seafood platter, I would be grateful for compensation in view of the inconvenience – and cost – of buying replacement food at such short notice. Personal Letters A thoughtful letter from a friend can brighten anyone’s day. Most of us send emails rather than letters nowadays – which means that a letter will really stand out. Even if you’d never normally sit down to write a letter except in a business context, there are a couple of types of personal letter that you’ll want to familiarize yourself with: Letter of Condolence A letter of condolence or letter of sympathy is one which you send to someone who has been bereaved. It can be very difficult to find the right words to say, but taking the time to write a letter or note rather than just sending a â€Å"With Sympathy† card will mean a lot to the recipient. Some tips to bear in mind are: Acknowledge the loss – don’t gloss over it. Express your sympathy. Offer a brief anecdote or recollection of the deceased, mentioning the role s/he played in your life. Mention that your thoughts (and, if appropriate for you and the recipient, your prayers) are with the bereaved and their family. Note that if you’re writing to someone elderly, it’s particularly important to send a handwritten letter. A typed letter will often come across as cold or even rude. All letters of condolence will be unique, but you might like to use this example as a general guide: I was so sorry to hear that John had passed away. My sympathies are with you at this time: I know it must be very difficult for you. John was so good to me when I first came to Littletown – I remember how he welcomed me into your church and made me feel completely at home. I’ll miss him very much. My thoughts and prayers are with you, and with Johnny and Becca. Personal Thank You Letters When someone has given you a gift or done you a particular favor, it’s polite to send them a thank you note or letter. You might do this by email – but you still need to send a separate note to each person, rather than emailing a group of people. Thank you letters are required is in response to wedding gifts. You should send these through the post, and in many cases, you may want to handwrite them. As well as saying â€Å"thank you† for the gift, it’s often nice to acknowledge the particular role that a person played in your wedding – even if that’s just saying â€Å"We were so pleased that you could come and be with us on the day.† Other times when you could send a thank you letter include: For birthday and Christmas gifts. When you’ve stayed as a house guest somewhere (this is sometimes called a â€Å"bread-and-butter letter†). After someone has treated you to a meal, a theater trip, a vacation or similar. To your parents, grandparents or other relatives who have helped you out with a big purchase or a college degree. Your thank you letter doesn’t need to be long. In many cases, a few lines is plenty: Thank you for the gorgeous sweater – just the thing for the cold Canadian winter! I’ll be thinking of you every time I wrap myself up in it. We’re going to be travelling over Christmas, but hope to pop down and see everyone during the new year. Thanks again! If you’re not very confident about your letter writing skills, sending some personal thank you notes is a great way to get started. People are always delighted and touched by being thanked in this way – they’ll overlook any small slips of grammar, and you don’t need to worry too much about lay out and formatting in personal letters. Check Out Other Articles from The Writing 101 Series: The Writing Process Creative Writing 101 Story Writing 101 Letter Writing 101 Business Writing 101 Freelance Writing 101 Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Business Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Comparative Forms of Adjectives30 Baseball Idioms10 Writing Exercises to Tighten Your Writing

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Philosophies of Nursing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Philosophies of Nursing - Research Paper Example There exists a unique interplay between the patients’ beliefs and the effectiveness of the medication. The workability of any form of medication depends grossly on the patient’s state of mind and on the conviction that a particular medication is effective to alleviate the disease (Sobia 2014). The dilemma for life and death necessitates interventions to rehabilitate the psychological inclinations of the patients as a primary move to ensure the effectiveness of medication. Achievement of psychological peace is a prerequisite for the effectiveness of medical drugs. It is the responsibility of the nurses to foster a conducive psychological peace o the before the administration of medication. The Nightingale philosophy of nursing is 1880 nursing philosophy of Florence Nightingale. Nightingale philosophy touches closely on the nurse-patient relationships and the distinctive roles of nurses in the health of the patients. This philosophy delimits the roles of nurses from that of the physicians (Sobia, 2014). The propositions of the Nightingales nursing philosophy formed the basis of ‘what to do’ and ‘what not to’ for nursing professionalism. The philosophy fostered comprehensive exposition of the roles of nurses in keeping a continuous check on the progress of patients as a guide to inform necessary changes for the checks and balances in the performance of medication. The stance taken by the Nightingale philosophy draws a relationship between the effectiveness of medication and the patients’ environment. It posits that the cleanliness of the patients’ environment ranging from the cloths to the bedding is pre-determinants of the successful response to medications (Sobia, 2014). Furthermore, it asserts the protective role of nurses on the lives patients’ .the proponents of the nightingale philosophy advocate for a change in the patient environment as a means of achieving the optimal effect of medication .it forms an integral aspect of

People management practices adopted in Innocent Essay

People management practices adopted in Innocent - Essay Example 78). The recent years in the company have been marked by an increased need to change in the human resource management functions. The changes includes more focus being put on managing people to take part in the implementation and formulation of business strategy to meet the company’s objectives. These changes have been effected in the business environment following the revolution in globalization, information technology and competition. The environmental changes have been effected on the company as it needs to quickly adapt and deal with the general strategies and practices in important areas like productivity, marketing, human resources and employment structure. Innocent Drinks management tends to direct its investment in the employees considering them as partners so as to have the business grow and gain a sustainable competitive advantage. Innocent business falls in a complex and dynamic environment. Just like most of the businesses in the market, Innocent has taken more cons ideration in external factors like economic, political and legal environment in an effort to keep growing and maintain its competitive advantage. One of the key management practices employed by innocent is cost leadership that is commonly associated with Porters approach of gaining competitive advantage. ... One of the key management strategies that has ensured success in Innocent is its innovative approaches to leadership, induction, recruitment development, communication and engagement. The innovative approaches have led Innocent Drinks Company to grow to the extent of enjoying an 80 per cent share in the UK market (Kotler and Armstrong 2000, p. 34). This strategy that has been primary designed to assist managers and leaders within the company to employ a new mindset for the success of the business has also been adapted in the induction, communication, cultural change and training based on team work. As a result, Innocent Drink Company has managed to bring out the best of its people through adopting unique approaches. Such approaches challenge the leaders in the organization to review the manner in which they operate. Innocent has moved to shape a supportive, informal and fun environment in its work place and has also come up with an authentic culture of respect and trust that is based on its core values. The management strategy includes the recruitment of enthusiastic, energetic and passionate people as well as engages, motivates and empowers the people to work with autonomy and freedom. The company’s strategy is an illustration of a leadership style that is relaxed and it has been managed in a manner to avoid its internal silos. Innocent’s communication strategy has been effected such that it cuts across the business and it instigates enjoyable and lively team meetings. This approach has resulted to Innocent being regarded as an engaging and attractive working environment. The basic working principle of Innocent is to produce smoothie drinks that are simply made from fresh juice and fruits,

Friday, October 18, 2019

MGMT402 U4 DB Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

MGMT402 U4 DB - Assignment Example However, this will be varying based on the nature of offense and when it is done. For a first offender, there will be a monetary fine of $250-$2,000 per each illegal immigrant employed. For a second offense, the fine increased to between $2,000 and $5,000 per. However, stiffer penalties might be imposed on the third and subsequent offenders who might be eventually sentenced to up to six moths in jail. I support this penalty because it is justified (Massey, 2007). In this regard, it is my considered opinion that Patricia should be keen to ensure that she does not face the same penalty. In her restaurant, she should ensure that she is privy with her workers’ immigration status to ascertain if there are illegal or legitimate. Only legitimate ones should be hired in her restaurant. As an employer, she should make efforts to know if her employees are legally permitted to work in the country. This can be done by checking their social security numbers. Otherwise, she would have to face the wrath of this

Privacy philosophy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Privacy philosophy - Assignment Example The question is, Should voyeurs and exhibitionists be punished for their uncanny sexual interests? This paper develops and discusses deeply the theme of voyeurism and Exhibitionism. To begin with, let us discuss deeply the social and psychological condition of voyeurism. To understand Voyeurism better, let us look at its meaning from the meaning of the term itself. The term voyeurism is a derivative of the French term voyeur, which literally means, one who watches or one who looks (Rooth, 136). This fact, therefore, shows that voyeurs are only interested in watching or looking, secretly, on other people’s sexual affairs. From a medical point of view, Voyeurism is generally conceived as a social and a psychological disorder. For this reason, therefore, the main treatment method of Voyeurism involves psychoanalysis and psychotherapy. From the Criminology point of view, Voyeurism is deemed as a form of sexual abuse. Exhibitionism can variously be defined as an obsessive desire to expose to the public, one’s private parts, with the intention of either amusing the members of the public, or causing fright and shock to the members of the public. There are a number of public exposures that amount to exhibitionism. The following are three forms of exposure that are regarded as exhibitionism. Just like Voyeurism, exhibitionism is a form of social and psychological disorder. For that reason, therefore, the treatment of exhibitionism involves psychoanalysis. From a legal point of view, exhibitionism is regarded as a crime of indecent exposure. To begin with, Voyeurism causes damage to the subjects of voyeur’s interests. This is because every person has a right to privacy. For this reason, therefore, Voyeurism is an affront to and a violation of the individual right to privacy. On the other hand, however, Voyeurism is a social and Psychological disorder, and this in essence means that the voyeurs cannot be held accountable for their

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Management of change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Management of change - Essay Example If the organizations fail to accomplish the two objectives they are often considered as â€Å"corporate dinosaurs† because they no longer fit to the current business environment (Ashkenas, 1999). In order to make the organizations change-capable there are some significant strategies that should be implemented. They are as follows: Determining the type of Change Perhaps the most difficult task that the organization needs to get involved in is to determine the type of change that it needs to accept. Precisely, in order to design the change-capable strategic issues it is worth to distinguish between two types of changes: Evolutionary Change and Transformational Change. Evolutionary change refers to the constant adjustments, product alterations and enhancements that an organizations need to make as per demanded by the customers. Transformational change refers to the dramatic change in the organization’s core competencies. For Example: Nokia becoming a wood supplier though h aving their expertise in telecommunications. With the advancements in technologies, organizations have to be capable of changing their core competencies. The best way to think of the need for a change capability is that at least most organizations should be capable of adapting an evolutionary change. But in some circumstances, the need for a transformational change could be vital; therefore it is important to take the necessary steps to prepare the organization accordingly. For this, financial processes should be planned under which funds would be offered to individuals, structures which include some special new ventures that have experienced a major change in past and the rewards system should be acquired under which rewards will be offered to those that contributed in a transformational change within an organization. What Aspects Should Be Kept Stable? In order to adapt a change it is very important to analyze what particular aspects should be kept stable and what aspects should b e allowed to change rapidly. This could certainly be a significant facilitator of change. It is partially determined by the type of change that the organization needs to make. Many aspects can be kept stable in case of an evolutionary change but it would be a completely different scenario while adapting to a transformational change. In the case of a transformational change, stability refers to the commitment towards a certain goal, way of communication with the individuals and moreover rewarding and appreciating them for their respective contributions. As aforementioned, much more can be kept stable in case of a continuous evolutionary change. For example, the Human Resources systems and the basic organizational culture can remain constant. Some of the key processes can also be kept stable such as communication with the staff and the measurement of the business success. Dealing with Internal Competition Internal and external competition can be significant in order to encourage a cha nge. It is quite obvious that the organization’s main focus would be to concentrate on its external competition. Competing against your external rivals would certainly be very supportive and helpful but resolving the issues of the internal competition is also very necessary. It is very important for an organization to maximize the focus and provide proper emphasis on internal competitors as well

Israeli palestinian conflict Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Israeli palestinian conflict - Term Paper Example The pace of development is rapid which is also challenging Americans. They have not been able to resolve many disputes including the Israel and Palestinian conflict. They do not know how to cope with it. Another stance by the American government is of changing loyalties that has created mistrust among the Middle Eastern countries. Various circumstances in the past reflect it. Other than helping the countries in promoting their local policy for peace, America uses force to maintain. This in return invites rebellion. The wars done by America especially in Afghanistan was very costly. It impacts not only their economy but also worldwide. The American public even does not align its interests with the government. They have a divided opinion and this creates it difficult for the government to decide. About the stature and view of America from the world, they expect it to act as a super power. Issues inside America as shutdown of federal posts and offices are alarming not only for Americans but also for the entire world. Such things are a blow to the prestige of the American policies for even their own people. The world economy in return is impacted by it. The allies of American have to rethink how much they can trust investing in businesses in America. If the military functions as it is while federal jobs are laid off, the people will open their eyes and realize where the budgeting is put in to. The policies set by the American government were deemed tobe ideal for a diplomatic country but the crises within America has led to hesitation from other countries in adopting such policies. Their newly introduced health care program is questionable as well. By allowing Russia to provide a middle line while dealing with Syria has made the world believe that American is not the only global decision maker but Russia also exists other than the super power. A survey was conducted on the views of America from around the world. The results indicate that Middle East and south Asia have the most negative views on America [1]. In this article I will focus on Israel and Palestine conflict. Key Issues: The key issues in the Israel-Palestinian conflict include Jerusalem as the main bone of contention. They both claim to own it. Both sides have a deep respect for it based on their religious beliefs. The conflict of this region is that Israelis are of the view that they should maintain their control over it. Palestinians believe that they should have the control over Jerusalem as they had on the part of it before 1967. Israel declaring the disputed region as its capital in its law is very disturbing for the Arab nations as it was acquired with wars and its ownership is not yet resolved. Both nations seem to have concerns over practicing religion in the areas governed by the other nation. There have been incidents in the past in which people have been banned from visiting their holy places and practicing their religion. The other issues between the two nations I of t he Palestinian refugees. They fled to save their lives in 1967. As a result they were not given any nationality. Even after 30 years of war, these people are forced to live in refugee camps. Many of them are now born outside Israel but they should have a right to return to their homeland. Israel refuses this right and declares that other Arab nations should give them nationalities that have acted as their host countries. They also deny expelling these people from

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Management of change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Management of change - Essay Example If the organizations fail to accomplish the two objectives they are often considered as â€Å"corporate dinosaurs† because they no longer fit to the current business environment (Ashkenas, 1999). In order to make the organizations change-capable there are some significant strategies that should be implemented. They are as follows: Determining the type of Change Perhaps the most difficult task that the organization needs to get involved in is to determine the type of change that it needs to accept. Precisely, in order to design the change-capable strategic issues it is worth to distinguish between two types of changes: Evolutionary Change and Transformational Change. Evolutionary change refers to the constant adjustments, product alterations and enhancements that an organizations need to make as per demanded by the customers. Transformational change refers to the dramatic change in the organization’s core competencies. For Example: Nokia becoming a wood supplier though h aving their expertise in telecommunications. With the advancements in technologies, organizations have to be capable of changing their core competencies. The best way to think of the need for a change capability is that at least most organizations should be capable of adapting an evolutionary change. But in some circumstances, the need for a transformational change could be vital; therefore it is important to take the necessary steps to prepare the organization accordingly. For this, financial processes should be planned under which funds would be offered to individuals, structures which include some special new ventures that have experienced a major change in past and the rewards system should be acquired under which rewards will be offered to those that contributed in a transformational change within an organization. What Aspects Should Be Kept Stable? In order to adapt a change it is very important to analyze what particular aspects should be kept stable and what aspects should b e allowed to change rapidly. This could certainly be a significant facilitator of change. It is partially determined by the type of change that the organization needs to make. Many aspects can be kept stable in case of an evolutionary change but it would be a completely different scenario while adapting to a transformational change. In the case of a transformational change, stability refers to the commitment towards a certain goal, way of communication with the individuals and moreover rewarding and appreciating them for their respective contributions. As aforementioned, much more can be kept stable in case of a continuous evolutionary change. For example, the Human Resources systems and the basic organizational culture can remain constant. Some of the key processes can also be kept stable such as communication with the staff and the measurement of the business success. Dealing with Internal Competition Internal and external competition can be significant in order to encourage a cha nge. It is quite obvious that the organization’s main focus would be to concentrate on its external competition. Competing against your external rivals would certainly be very supportive and helpful but resolving the issues of the internal competition is also very necessary. It is very important for an organization to maximize the focus and provide proper emphasis on internal competitors as well

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Vision of Future Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Vision of Future Education - Essay Example From this study it is clear that the federal government, non-governmental organizations, and policy makers bear the mandate of implementing the vision of future education. The eminent technological advancements will equally define my vision of future education. Indeed, future students and tutors will have an opportunity to adopt various technologies in learning. Such technologies will enable students to join online classes, access academic data, choose their convenient classes and extracurricular activities regardless of their residence. Nevertheless, a limitation in to innovative educational options will limit future academic success. As the study outlines the disparities among students will persist subject to their cultural, economic, gender, and academic needs. In the future, the education system will embrace diverse and advanced learning and instructional tools that will be accessible to all students. The continued growth in technology will present the internet as an effective le arning and research tool. Subject to the foreseen availability of learning opportunities and choice of schools and subjects, students will have a right to combine related credits earned from different schools for purposes of completing a specific educational program. The students will also have an opportunity to study more than what is available in their classrooms. Indeed, future education will adopt extracurricular activities in the academic programs.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Airport Security Essay Example for Free

Airport Security Essay The department of homeland security has spent $40 billion rebuilding the aviation security system since September 11, 2001. Since then airport security has changed drastically, changed the whole world’s attitude towards airport security. The terrorist attack also showed the entire world how easily the old system was to manipulate and how much improvement airports need before they can truly be considered secure. The attacks forced the airline industry to renew and strengthen their focus on security. Many airports in the U.S. have introduced ethnic profiling since September 11, 2001 and the evidence shows this method has helped improve airport security. â€Å"The suspects who have since 9/11/01 been picked up are at least mostly Arabs† (Gale â€Å"Airport Security.† Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection). Security checks are not intended to embarrass or harm anybody; they are a necessary precaution to protect all passengers including Muslims. Not only does the TSA keep an eye on airline security around the globe, but also they have many different layers of security in our nation’s airports. The newest and most controversially is the full body scanner. These x-ray machines strip a person down to their birthday suit. Airport screeners are now federal employees. People are now having to wait longer to be able to pass thru security line to check in. many travelers get pulled aside for full body searches. There are 40 active full body scanners at 19 different airports, by the end of the year officials would like 500 in place. Today forty five thousand employees are working as passenger’s screeners in more than four hundred airports around the country. â€Å"Our top priority is the safety of the traveling public, and TSA constantly strives to explore and implement new technologies that enhance security and strengthen privacy protections for the traveling public†. (â€Å"TSA Takes Next Steps to Further Enhance Passenger Privacy.†) Though airport security was enforced, there was another incident. On Christmas December 25,2009, a twenty-three year old Nigerian named Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab attempted to detonate explosives aboard a Northwest Airlines flight traveling from Amsterdam to Detroit, Michigan. Abdulmutallab had hidden plastic explosives in his underwear, which had gone undetected during the passenger screening process. Abdulmutallab had also been identified as having connection to the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda less than two months before the attempted bombing, and his own father had contacted the American embassy in Nigeria to warn them of his son’s extremist beliefs. The only reason the bombing  Failed was because abdulmutallab did not properly activate the device, and other passengers aboard the plane subdued him. Two weeks after that incident Obama administration mandated extra scrutiny- including full body pat downs- for people flying into the United States from 14 mostly Muslim countries. Under the new rules, all citizens of Afghanistan, Algeria, Lebanon, Libya, Iraq, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia and Yemen must receive a pat down and an extra check of their carry-on bags before boarding a plane bound for the united states, officials said. Citizens of Cuba, Iran, Sudan and Syria- nations considered â€Å"state sponsors of terrorism† (â€Å"Airport Security† January 6,2010). Airlines are still responsible for checking passenger information against government-issued watch lists intended to flag potentially dangerous travelers. Two of the lists are often referred to as the â€Å"No-Fly† (â€Å"Airport Security† January 6,2010) list, are the â€Å"Terrorist Watch List†, (â€Å"Airport Security† January 6,2010) and travelers appearing on these lists are subject to more detailed search or in the case of the â€Å"No Fly† list, are denied the ability to travel. We should appreciate that the airport security is making our trip safe and secure. Any inconvenience people feel is unimportant compared with saving lives by preventing terrorist attacks.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Ethical Issues In Psychological Testing Psychology Essay

Ethical Issues In Psychological Testing Psychology Essay A major issue confronting a psychological researcher is ethics. Research ethics comprise many different topics, including test construction and psychometrics. Areas of concern within these areas include, but are not limited to, measurement bias; validity and reliability; errors and the use of negligence or deception; areas of limitations in the research, and recommendations. The scientist must provide enough information about the research to ensure the applicability of the results. However, the experimenter should also include information about the misuse of research and the need to consult multiple sources of information. The researcher must ensure that they are abiding by ethical process as results may have consequences that the experimenter cannot foresee, and failing to comply with these processes may lead to the scorn of the scientific community. Because of the daunting nature of this process, it is necessary for the researcher to work with fellow scientists to confirm their res earch is reputable. Keywords: ethics, errors, measurement bias, reliability, research, validity Ethical Issues in Psychological Testing Activity 9 Psychologists regularly conduct research where they have to ensure they are meeting ethical guidelines and professional standards. This may range from informed consent and confidentiality, to appropriate test use and proper testing protocol. Ethics plays a major role in how the scientific community perceives the work of a researcher. For example, a discovery where the researcher plagiarized the work of another, or was intentionally negligent in their research, would lead to their research being unaccepted by fellow scientists. Lesser examples of this include issues of a test not meeting the purposes of a research study. Therefore, ethics is an important element to legitimate research practices. Test construction is an important part of research ethics. The American Psychological Association (APA) (2010) published the manual Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct. This provides a statement on test construction in Standard 9.05, which says, Psychologists who develop tests and other assessment techniques use appropriate psychometric procedures and current scientific or professional knowledge for test design, standardization, validation, reduction or elimination of bias, and recommendations for use (p. 13). Test construction in ethics refers to psychometrics and professional knowledge of research methods. Klein (2005) adds to the importance of research methods because the psychometric characteristics of the instrument itself are of primary importance in test use (p. 289). As noted in the standard, this broad area of study incorporates issues of validity and reliability, measurement bias, and recommendations for applying the research in different settings, as we ll as knowledge of the research study and misuses of the research. In measurement bias, the test shows unintentional preference towards people of a certain background. Klein (2005) notes, if the overall test scores or the differential selection rates of individuals from identifiable subgroups by themselvesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦behave differently across groups, then measurement bias is said to occur (p. 296). When this happens, the research results are not accurate because the test results show distortion to favor one group over another. One cannot make accurate policies from tests that have measurement bias. In addition, the Joint Committee on Testing Practices (JCTP) (2004), in Code of Fair Testing Practices in Education, mentions that differences relating to test scores from various groups must relate to the skills being assessed, not the difference in linguistic or cultural background (p. 4). Therefore, there can be differences in research results as long as they reflect the abilities of a group. One group may have a greater ability to perform a task th an another group. This is not measurement bias; on the contrary, it is a reflection of the realistic capabilities of the group. Researchers have to ensure their test is fair and unbiased against a minority. The JCTP (2004) provides further information related to test construction. Researchers must ensure they give information regarding what the test measures, what its recommended use is, and the measures strengths and limitations. There must be a sufficient amount of information for a policy maker to make decisions from the research, including being aware of how the research might be unhelpful. The validity and reliability of the test must meet its intended purposes (p. 4). Patten (2004) refers to validity as the extent that it measures what it is designed to measure and accurately performs the function(s) it is purported to perform (p. 59). Reliability refers to the test yielding consistent results (p. 71). There should be an indication regarding whether the test measures what the researcher intended, and how consistent it is in those measurements. Researchers must also provide recommendations for the interpretation of test results, including the possible misuse of research. Readers sh ould be aware that they should not rely on one research study when making decisions. There should also be procedures for setting performance standards or passing scores if another researcher was going to give the same test (JCTP, p. 8). In the research article, there should be an indication of what score a participant requires to pass a test, or what constitutes sufficient performance. Test construction also involves errors in research. The Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy (1995) notes, when an unintentional error promptly corrected, the scientific community accepts the mistake. However, when a scientist is negligent due to inattention, haste, or carelessness, the researcher can be admonished because this can lead to work that does not meet the standards demanded in science (p. 15). Deception in research also has huge consequences. Deception involves Making up data or results (fabrication), changing or misreporting data or results (falsification), and using the ideas or words of another person without giving appropriate credit (plagiarism) (p. 16). Therefore, to ensure ethics in research, scientists should ensure they are not using negligence or deception. I agree with the readings in this assignment because, in academic fields, researchers have to ensure they abide by ethical procedures. Science has its basis on the scientific method, which strives for honesty during the scientific process. In addition, many previous research studies have had far-reaching consequences that the researcher did not anticipate. Therefore, it is critical that scientists abide by research ethics. This appears to be a daunting task because of the many issues regarding ethical psychological testing. However, just as college students cannot plagiarize their assignment for a class because they are breaking the rules of ethics for academic integrity, researchers cannot use deception in research. This is violating research integrity. Researchers have to be open in their study because the scientific community will scrutinize their work to ensure it acts in accordance with ethical guidelines. The Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy (1995) mentions that research results [must] be accepted by other scientists (p. 3). In addition, because science is a social process where scientists review the work of others to guarantee it meets socially accepted standards in science, researchers strive for responsible scientific practice (p. 4). Research must meet the guidelines devised by other professionals in their academic field because of the nature of science. In this assignment, I learned about the importance of ethics in research and the consequences of failing to abide by them. There are many grey areas in research ethics, as indicated in the book On Being a Scientist: Responsible Conduct in Research. While doing research, the experimenter should make every effort to ensure that studies are valid, reliable, and lack measurement bias. The researcher must give recommendations for further use of the research and setting passing scores or performance standards. Because this appears to be a large task, beginning researchers should work closely with an advisor or faculty member to ensure they abide by ethical practices. This mentor can give practical advice on research ethics, as well as provide additional sources to consult regarding correct research disciplines.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Sikh struggles in India and U.S. Essay -- Culture Cultural Papers

Sikh struggles in India and U.S. John from the Sikh religion kills Peter, a government official. David, another government official, kills Paul for being a Sikh. John is convicted but David is not. What about when an Indian comes to the U.S.? Indians have changed their cultural traditions so that their family can be accepted and their kids are not made fun of for being "different." These fictional names and situation has occurred to the Sikh religion. It has gone through political issues in India and cultural problems in the U.S. Sikhism, a religion that originated in India, and especially in the state of Punjab which currently is 60% Sikhs and 36% Hindus. Two centuries have past and Sikhism has become the third major religion of India according to Edward A. Gargan in "Though Sikh Rebellion Is Quelled, India's Punjab State Still Seethes" (A8). According to Sikh Missionary Center in Sikh Religion, Guru Nanak founded the Sikh religion, which consists of ten Gurus (1469-1708). The last one proclaimed the Guru Granth Sahib is the Holy Scripture. The Sikh Missionary Center also describes the characteristics of this religion as the rebirth to a less important position is a punishment, to live is a blessing and salvation is achieved by meditating on Nam" (5). Guru Nanak or Baba Nanak can be considered the Jesus of the Sikh religion. According to Donald Lopez S. Jr. in Religious of India in Practice, Nanak was born in Punjab in 1469 and died in 1538 or 1539 (449). He was raised Hindu in a Muslim area of India and believed in a religion from within, not like Hindus and Muslim that believe in liberation: renouncing external features of the religion (Lopez 449). One tale about Nanak involves a time when he encountered some peopl... ... Edward A. "Though Sikh Rebellion Is Quelled, India’s Punjab State Still Seethes." New York Times 26 Oct. 1993: A1, A8. Goodstein, Laurie. "At camps, young U.S. Sikhs cling to heritage." New York Times 18 Jul. 1998: A1, A7. Juergensmeyer, Mark and Barrier. G. Sikh Studies. Berkeley: Graduate Theological Union, 1979. Lopez, Donald S. Jr.. Religions of India in Practice. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1995. Mansukhani, Late S. Gobind Singh. "Introduction to Sikhism." New Delhi: Hemkunt, 1977. Online. (12 Mar. 2000). <>. Perez-Pena, Richard. "Sink Temple Helps To Bind A Community In Mourning." New York Times 27 Nov. 1994: 53. Sikh Missionary Center. Sikh Religion. Arbor: Braum-Brumfield, 1990. Singh, Teja. Sikhism Its Ideals and Institutions. Bomby Calcutta Madias New Delhi :Orient Longmans, 1951.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Literature Ethics Essay

points in their journey.   In both cases, the old men appear weak and ill-suited to survival in the harsh world of the novel.   In the first instance the father refuses to help the old man (49-52), but in the second instance the father agrees to help the old man (161-174), suggesting uncertainty and inconsistency in his moral reasoning.   But how might the father have responded if he had followed a specific branch of moral philosophy in approaching these situations? Thesis chosen: If the father had approached these situations as a deontologist he would have helped both old men, but if he had approached the situations as a utilitarian he would have refused to help both men. In staying true to the path of most deontologists, we could say that had the father been a practitioner of the said philosophy, he would have helped both old men in their respective scenarios of need. As generally defined, deontology is the ethical judgment of a certain act which founds itself on the intent of the act itself to serve as the basis for which to determine the morality of the said act. It is also accepted that deontologists believe in the existence of universal moral norms that transcend boundaries, applying to everyone; the individual helping out another individual being one of them. To deontologists, one is duty-bound to help his fellow man; doing so would allow one to adhere to what they deem as the categorical imperative, and would therefore be a fulfillment of responsibility. Had the father in Cormac McCarthy’s The Road been a follower of this approach on ethics, he would have helped both old men who were in need, and should anyone else turn up requiring any manner of assistance, then he would have turned to help them out too. The foundation of deontology requires that one should always fulfill the moral obligation of the individual, which lies in accordance with the said norms that apply to everyone. Should any evil or unpleasant consequence surface from the said action, one would remain morally pure as one had only done what was dictated by the obligations of the individual; a dying criminal nursed to health who would continue to practice crime would be responsible for his own actions and the healer would remain pure as he had only acted upon this said moral norm: this is the basis of deontology. Had the father been a practitioner of utilitarianism, however, then he would have gone and ignored both men. Helping out any of them would only hamper them in their goal of finding lasting safety and refuge for the boy. We must keep in mind that the journey was brought about by the need for a secure future for the boy as his father is weakening as well. The pilgrimage is led by the father with no specific destination, and therefore no specific timeframe. To take on other matters such as aiding old men who would have nothing to contribute to the group and should be taken with them would only serve as a liability would only delay and possibly cost the success of the expedition. Utilitarianism is the concept of analyzing an action’s moral worth by basing it on the outcome or consequences of the aforementioned action, therefore the perfect representation of the maxim â€Å"The end justifies the means.† Utilitarians often keep in mind what they deem to be â€Å"the greater good† and anything less than that is to be considered expendable. As opposed to deontologistic belief of a â€Å"universal moral norm†, utilitarians believe the pinnacle of ethics to be to spread happiness, maximizing it to the most number of people, no matter what. This means that they are willing to sacrifice the happiness of the few for that of the many. Therefore, applying this into Cormac McCarthy’s The Road, had the father in the story acted out in a utilitarian manner, he would not have helped both old men, seeing as they would have nothing to offer to aid them in their journey. Works Cited McCarthy, Cormac. The Road. Vintage Books, 2007.

Thursday, October 10, 2019


The dominant thumb experiment is used to observe the correlation between handedness and thumb dominance and whether one inherited trait will always influences another correlated trait. Examples of this experiment of this can be traced back as far as 1908. In this experiment 50 people were asked to clasp their hands and the thumb dominance. Once the hands were clasped, one thumb would tutorial overlap the other and the handedness of each subject was noted.The hypothesis of the experiment is that when people clasp their hands, the thumb of the dominant hand may overlap the thumb of the non-dominant hand. In 1999, a scientist by the name of Regis completed 18 studies of parents and their children to find that 55% of the population are left-hand-clappers (therefore right-handed), 44% are right-hand-clappers (left-handed), and the remaining 1% report that they have no reference or are indifferent (ambidextrous).It also states, familial data suggest that hand-clasping may be under genetic control†. Purpose The purpose of this experiment was to study the correlation between thumb dominance and handedness. Hypothesis If an individual is right-handed the right thumb will be dominant when the hands are clasped. If the individual is left handed then the left thumb will be dominant the hands are clasped together. Procedures Equipment Used 50 Volunteers Pen

Deal of Downsizing in Corporations, Businesses and Other Organizations

Abstract: In recent years, there has been a great deal of downsizing in corporations, businesses and other organizations throughout the United States. According to the two papers noted below, the negative effects of such layoffs cannot be completely eliminated, but they can be helped or reduced moderately through specific actions such as increased communication and counseling and trust- and team-building. Amundson (2004) notes that corporate downsizing has become an important area of study due to the increasing impact on the American workforce. Most companies do little to prepare their employees for such negative measures. The majority of studies on this topic have focused on the victims of the layoffs; few have centered on the survivors. The studies that focused on survivors primarily used survey methods that assessed commitment, motivation, level of performance, job satisfaction, stress symptoms, and coping mechanisms and how these are related to self-affirmation, gender and organizational level, self-esteem, self-efficacy, and intent to leave the organization. In Amundson's review of literature, he found only two related studies in which a semi-structured group interviewing format was used. Evans (1995) studied U.S. soldiers in the downsized military and Noer (1993) interviewed employees of a downsized private organization. Similar themes emerged from both of these studies: increased stress; decreased motivation; reduced performance with extra workload, distrust/withdrawal of management/leader; and experiencing the emotions of anger, sadness, guilt, insecurity, and fear. Research by Armstrong-Stassen (1998) used mail-in questionnaires to analyze the individual traits and support resources that helped 82 managers in a Canadian federal government department over a 2-year period cope with downsizing. Acknowledging that â€Å"reactions of the remaining employees will largely determine the effectiveness and quality of the services provided by the federal government in the future† (p. 310), she found managers reported a significant decrease in r job performance and commitment. To add to the literature regarding both positive and negative impacts to downsizing, Amundson (2005) interviewed 31 employees from a variety of organizations, including a federal human resources department, hospital, retailer, private employment consulting group, and two oil and gas companies. All individuals had remained in their organizations throughout the time of restructuring. Thirteen of the participants were men, and 18 were women. Their ages ranged from early 20s to mid-50s. Participants were interviewed within six months of the completion of downsizing in their organization. Participants were asked to describe, in behavioral terms, the positive and negative incidents they experienced during the downsizing period. The interviews highlighted three major questions: (a) What recent changes have you experienced in the organization? (b) What helped you to adjust to these changes (the positive incidents)? and (c) What hindered your adjustment (the negative incidents)? The responses by the interviewees of both negative and positive incidents demonstrated the mixed and sometimes confused reactions that survivors have to the downsizing experience. Participants reported both hindering and helpful aspects, regardless of gender or line of work. No event or concern was experienced as negative by everyone, although there definitely were more negative incidents. Throughout the interviews, survivors explained their experiences during the notification and implementation of the layoffs and the downsizing process and the way it was communicated. As the ramifications to downsize became clearer, workers reacted to the possible loss of their own position, changing coworker relations, organizational support programs, leadership, and the effect work changes had on their home life. The survivors cited 102 critical incidents (75 negative, 27 positive) about the restructuring process. The high participation rate, 65 percent for negative and 42 percent for positive incidents, demonstrated the survivors' desires to be knowledgeable and part of developing the restructuring process. These individuals saw themselves playing a major role in a successful transition. Survivors felt better when involved. They felt frustrated when their input was ignored. Survivors also criticized counter-productive and wasteful processes. Nineteen survivors reported 31 negative incidents and 12 reported 18 positive incidents regarding fellow employees prior to the downsizing. The vast majority of negative incidents concerned grieving for laid-off peers. Survivors who were transferred away from their coworkers felt isolated and lonely and expressed guilt and envy. Positive incidents involved coworkers supporting each other through the uncertainty of the situation and seeking methods to communicate with one another after downsizing. Survivors also discussed the manner in which the organization treated their colleagues during the layoffs. Fair and sensitive treatment was reassuring to survivors; unfair or insensitive treatment resulted in resentment and anger. Management's actions to facilitate or hinder the downsizing are significant. A total of 48 incidents–36 negative and 12 positive–were reported, with participation rates of 18 (58 percent) for and 8 (26 percent) respectively. Many employees were concerned about company leadership. They felt ambivalent when managers would look out for employees but, ultimately, had their own best interests at heart. Managers were perceived as untrustworthy when withholding information. Employees were angry when supervisors did not offer direction, guidance and information required by employees, but appreciated supervisors who were proactive and showed a positive attitude toward the change. Effective communication could calm fears, conflicting communication increased confusion and anxiety. Although survivors had jobs, their sense value diminished. Morale also decreased, with high incidents of people feeling angry, fear and anxiety. Although employees received support from family many experienced problems outside of work, including illness. Most employees considered the possibility of job loss currently or the future. Negative and positive critical incidents regarding job loss were reported by 13 (42 percent) and 9 (29 percent) of survivors, respectively. Survivors, found efforts to support employee mental health helped and that they would choices if they lost or left their jobs. Amundson concluded that the negative aspects of the downsize can be reduced or helped during downsizing by certain actions, since the integrity of the downsizing process can either destroy or build new loyalties: the trustworthiness of management is imperative, there is a real need for clear and open communication during all stages of the process.. The importance of support from family members is critical, as is ongoing counseling from the company in regards to the issues they face in the new environment. As Amundson finds, there are ways to help or reduce the â€Å"downs† of downsizing. Amabile (1999) decided to see how such aspects as creativity and teamwork could be improved in downsizing environments. If creativity usually declines during downsizing, the work environment plays a central role. Context encompasses all elements of the psychological climate of both the formal organization of policies and procedures and informal organization of values, norms, and interpersonal relationships. Research has shown that context can be important not only in affecting survivors' reactions, but also in determining the impact of those reactions on job performance. A threatening situation ranks high as problematic. Threats are defined as external events or circumstances in which individuals, groups, or organizations perceive negative or harmful consequences for their vital interests. This leads to dysfunctional employees and organizations. However, studies of creativity stress the role of an organization's environment in affecting creative behaviors. The componential model of creativity and innovation shows that five environmental components affect creativity: encouragement of creativity: autonomy or freedom in the day-to-day conduct of work; resources, or the materials, information, and general resources available for work; pressures including both positive challenge and negative workload; and organizational impediments to creativity such as conservatism and internal strife. High-creativity projects were generally higher on work environment stimulants to creativity and lower on work environment obstacles to creativity. Thus, it appears that there is indeed a relationship between the work environment and the level of creativity produced by individuals in teams. Amabile's study (1999) examined the work environment for creativity at a large high-tech firm before, during, and after downsizing. Most creativity-supporting aspects of the work environment decreased greatly during the downsizing but increased somewhat later: The opposite occurred for creativity-undermining aspects. Stimulants and obstacles to creativity in the work environment mediated the effects of downsizing. These results suggest ways in which theories of organizational creativity can be expanded and ways in which the negative effects of downsizing might be avoided or alleviated. Although Noer (1993) suggested that survivors may not recover from the negative effects of downsizing, this research suggests the perceived work environment can improve modestly. Perhaps, some people eventually accept ongoing change within this company, as Noer suggested. However, it is also seen in his study that experienced downsizing was a less a predictor of work environment than was work group stability or downsizing. Thus, suggests Amabile, future research should focus attention here. The work group stability results are largely consistent with the theory of the need to belong suggesting that ongoing relational human bonds are a strong, basic, and pervasive motive that has long-lasting positive effects on emotional patterns and cognitive processes. The anticipated downsizing results suggest that, even if an employee's work unit has been eliminated, the certainty of knowing the process is over leads to a generally more positive work environment than the expectation of future downsizing in a presently intact unit. That is, the anticipation of the negative event may be less tolerable than the actual experience. This study's results suggest the possibility of adding a dynamic element to the componential model of organizational creativity. Presently, the componential model is static and specifies relationships between the perceived work environment and creative behavior at any one point in time. It does not address the dynamics of change in the work environment or how events within organizations might lead individuals to perceive their work environments as creativity-supporting or creativity-undermining. What types of events give rise to such environments, and what sorts of events lead to change in those environments? If this is so, events may prove to have a particularly powerful effect on the work environment for creativity. In future research, there could be an investigation of the mechanisms by which anticipated downsizing and work group instability might lead to degraded work environments. The threat theory could be especially helpful in guiding such studies, because it directly addresses possible changes in organizational environments under negative circumstances. Specifically, the following effects could be predicted: a centralization of control would lead to perceptions of lower autonomy/freedom, (2) a conservation of resources would lead to perceptions of less sufficient resources, (3) restriction of information flow would lead to perceptions of less encouragement of creativity from the organization overall (organizational encouragement), from one's own supervisor (supervisory encouragement), and from one's work group (work group supports), and (4) reliance on familiar routines would lead to perceptions of more organizational impediments to creativity, through a generally greater conservatism. Researchers may use this information to understand how downsizing and other organizational events bring about change in the perceived work environment for creativity. Most important, reports Amabile, â€Å"first, and most obviously, it is important to do it right.† Since downsizing decreases creativity, managers must first be sure that downsizing is a truly necessary. Second, when it is not possible to maintain team stability, it may be helpful to undertake team-building efforts as soon as new groups are formed–especially when high levels of creativity are desired. Finally, organizational creativity will be less apt to suffer in a downsizing if the process is concluded in a timely manner and if a downsizing moratorium can be identified for some meaningful period of time afterward. Overall, concludes Amabile, â€Å"Our study †¦suggests that corporate decision makers of the future should approach downsizing with great caution. The long-term negative effects of such actions on creativity and innovation may only retrigger the corporate woes that started the cycle in the first place.†